Blog Journal 4

     The 5th grade LAFS.5.RI.3.7 standard asks students to quickly derive answers to questions or problems from several print or digital sources. I feel prepared to implement this standard because, as a college student, this is part of my regular assignments.  All writing assignments require me to synthesize my essays using information found from multiple sources. I know how to research, and could likely learn to teach it.

    The 5th grade science resource "Banana Bonanza" from the CPALMS Educator Toolkit gives students practice in development of a scientific proposal and understanding of climate and weather. They perform this activity by playing the role of consultants at Organic Inc, a fruit company who needs to find a new farm location. Students tend to be more likely to want to learn if they can apply the information to real life. By using real climate information and a legitimate business example, they can learn how to use what they have learned in class in real life.

    Internet searching is an incredibly important skill to have in the age of modern technology, especially in professions like teaching. If a teacher isn't proficient at Internet searching, they risk giving their students incomplete or incorrect information, which can have lasting negative effects. I will likely use the "file type" search skill the most from now on, since I often look for PDFs specifically in my research. There were actually no research skills I know that weren't covered in our course material.


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